Relieve Jaw Pain & Discomfort
TMJ/TMD Treatment
If you are experiencing persistent jaw pain, you may be suffering from temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ/TMD). This common problem can result in seriously painful and uncomfortable symptoms such as headaches, difficulty chewing, and jaw pain. At Twenty28 Dentistry, our doctors are here to help you get the relief you need with TMJ/TMD treatment. Schedule your consultation to learn more about TMJ/TMD and how we can help.

What Is TMJ/TMD?
Understanding the Basics
The terms TMJ and TMD are usually used synonymously to refer to temporomandibular joint dysfunction. This is a disorder of the temporomandibular joint, which is the small and delicate joint that connects your jaw to your skull. It’s located next to each of your ears, and it’s responsible for allowing us to chew, speak, yawn, and perform every other action related to opening and closing the jaws.
However, the temporomandibular joint can be damaged quite easily. When this happens, it may become inflamed and fail to work properly. This can cause serious pain and discomfort.
Common causes of TMJ/TMD include tooth grinding (bruxism), inflammation due to autoimmune diseases like arthritis, overuse such as excessive gum chewing, and direct trauma to the joint such as a slip and fall or accident.
Recognizing the Signs & Symptoms
The symptoms and signs of TMJ/TMD can vary widely based on each patient, and based on the root cause of your condition. However, there are some common symptoms that are usually present in most cases of TMJ/TMD.
Pain and tenderness in your jaw is a common issue, as are headaches that feel like they are radiating from the jaw or ear area. You may also feel like you have difficulties chewing smoothly, or hear cracking or popping sounds while chewing.
Tenderness and jaw pain when opening your mouth widely (such as to yawn or yell) is also an indicator of TMJ/TMD. In more serious cases of TMJ/TMD, your joint may lock up, making it difficult to open and close your mouth properly.
If you notice one or more of these issues, you may be affected by TMJ/TMD, indicating that it is important to seek help from the team at Twenty28 Dentistry right away.

Treating TMJ/TMD
With Night Guards/Occlusal Guards
One of the most common causes of TMJ/TMD is teeth grinding (bruxism). When you clench and grind your teeth at night, you put extra strain on your temporomandibular joint. Over time, this can lead to TMJ/TMD.
With a night guard or occlusal guard from Twenty28 Dentistry, you can prevent clenching and grinding. Our night guards prevent direct contact between your teeth, and also help shift your jaw into a better position while you sleep, promoting healing of your temporomandibular joint. To explore your TMJ/TMD treatment options from Twenty28 Dentistry, give us a call and schedule a consultation.